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Branding Solutions Agency in Mumbai

Our solutions are hyper-local and tailored to meet the unique needs of your brand. With a proven track record of success and a passion for helping businesses grow, we are experts in elevating your brand and achieving your goals.


Mission Sikandar

Client: Josh

Summary: Developed, scripted, and produced a campaign of 250 videos in 5 Indian languages, featuring 22 popular creators from different regions of India. Additionally created the 3D model of the ‘Sikandar’ trophy and designed the packaging for the announcement of winners.

Power Oil – Social Experiment

Client: Power Oil

Summary: A social experiment-themed brand campaign for Nigeria’s premier cooking oil brand. The film features candid emotional moments between parents and children. Produced the film as a branded-content initiative to stress on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Power Oil – Digital Films

Client: Power Oil

Summary: A campaign of 9 films for Nigeria’s premier cooking oil brand. The objective was to promote Power Oil, but by stressing the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally shot photos of the product and the models for the print campaign and social media posts.

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