Cancelletion an Refund Policy

Cancellation and Refund Policy

BingeCamp Media is committed to providing a valuable and satisfying educational experience through our “Learn Before You Burn: Essential Digital Marketing Insights for MSMEs” webinar. We understand that circumstances can change, leading to the need for cancellation. Below is our cancellation and refund policy: 

Cancellation by Attendee 

  • Notice Period: Attendees wishing to cancel their registration must notify BingeCamp Media at least 48 hours before the scheduled start time of the webinar. 
  • Refund Process: Attendees who cancel within the stipulated notice period will receive a refund of their registration fee, minus a processing fee to cover administrative costs. The processing fee is 10% of the registration fee. 
  • Late Cancellation: No refunds will be issued for cancellations made less than 48 hours before the webinar’s scheduled start time. 
  • Notification Method: Cancellation requests must be submitted via the official communication channels provided by BingeCamp Media, such as email or the registration platform. 

Cancellation by BingeCamp Media 

  • Webinar Cancellation: In the rare event that BingeCamp Media must cancel the webinar, registered attendees will be notified as soon as possible using the contact information provided at registration. 
  • Full Refund: Attendees will receive a full refund of their registration fee, with no deductions, in the event of cancellation by BingeCamp Media. 
  • Alternative Options: Depending on the circumstances, BingeCamp Media may offer attendees the option to transfer their registration to a rescheduled session of the webinar or to another similar webinar. 

General Conditions 

  • Processing Time: Refunds will be processed within 14 business days of the cancellation confirmation. The refund will be issued to the original payment method used during registration. 
  • Force Majeure: In cases of force majeure, where events beyond the control of BingeCamp Media (such as natural disasters, pandemics, etc.) necessitate the cancellation of the webinar, BingeCamp Media will strive to provide refunds to the extent possible, subject to any non-recoverable costs already incurred. 
  • Inquiries: For any queries related to the cancellation and refund policy, attendees are encouraged to contact BingeCamp Media’s customer service team for assistance. 

This policy is designed to be fair to both the attendees and the organizer, ensuring that the webinar can be a successful and effective learning experience for all involved.